Village Churches

Beacon Trinity

The Church of England churches of St. James Ashwick and All Saints Oakhill are in the Parish of Beacon Trinity along with the neighbouring church of Holy Trinity Binegar.
The vision is to be “A beacon of welcome, acceptance and hope centred on Jesus.”
There is a service at 10am every week.
  • 1st Sunday rotates between three churches
  • 2nd Sunday of the month in All Saints Oakhill
  • 3rd Sunday in St. James Ashwick
  • 4th Sunday in Holy Trinity Binegar.
In addition 4th@4 is an all-age fun fresh expression of church at 4pm usually in All Saints Oakhill.
Rev’d Richard Priestley
Phone: 01749 840239
The Rectory, Fosse Rd. Oakhill BA3 5HU

Methodist Church, Bath Road, Oakhill

Mr. Gary Ralls. Harridge Cottage, Nettlebridge, Oakhill.
Phone: 01740 840131

Youth Groups, Friday evenings at Methodist Church
Ann Ralls. Harridge Cottage, Nettlebridge, Oakhill
Phone: 01749-840131